:mod:`gammu.exception` -- Gammu exception handling ================================================== .. module:: gammu.exception :synopsis: Defines all exceptions used in Gammu. .. exception:: gammu.GSMError Generic class as parent for all Gammu exceptions. This is never raised directly, but should be used to catch any Gammu related exception. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_ABORTED Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_ABORTED. Verbose error description: Operation aborted. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_BADFEATURE Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_BADFEATURE. Verbose error description: Bad feature string in configuration. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_BUG Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_BUG. Verbose error description: Nobody is perfect, some bug appeared in protocol implementation. Please contact authors. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_BUSY Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_BUSY. Verbose error description: Command rejected because device was busy. Wait and restart. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_CANCELED Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_CANCELED. Verbose error description: Transfer was canceled by phone, maybe you pressed cancel on phone. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_CANTOPENFILE Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_CANTOPENFILE. Verbose error description: Can not open specified file. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_CORRUPTED Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_CORRUPTED. Verbose error description: Corrupted data returned by phone. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_COULDNT_CONNECT Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_COULDNT_CONNECT. Verbose error description: Could not connect to the server. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_COULDNT_RESOLVE Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_COULDNT_RESOLVE. Verbose error description: Could not resolve the host name. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_DATACONVERTED Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_DATACONVERTED. Verbose error description: Data were converted. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_DEVICEBUSY Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_DEVICEBUSY. Verbose error description: Error opening device, it is already opened by other application. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_DEVICECHANGESPEEDERROR Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_DEVICECHANGESPEEDERROR. Verbose error description: Error setting device speed. Maybe speed not supported. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_DEVICEDTRRTSERROR Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_DEVICEDTRRTSERROR. Verbose error description: Error setting device DTR or RTS. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_DEVICELOCKED Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_DEVICELOCKED. Verbose error description: Error opening device, it is locked. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_DEVICENODRIVER Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_DEVICENODRIVER. Verbose error description: Error opening device. No required driver in operating system. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_DEVICENOPERMISSION Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_DEVICENOPERMISSION. Verbose error description: Error opening device, you don't have permissions. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_DEVICENOTEXIST Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_DEVICENOTEXIST. Verbose error description: Error opening device, it doesn't exist. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_DEVICENOTWORK Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_DEVICENOTWORK. Verbose error description: Error opening device. Some hardware not connected/wrongly configured. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_DEVICEOPENERROR Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_DEVICEOPENERROR. Verbose error description: Error opening device. Unknown, busy or no permissions. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_DEVICEPARITYERROR Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_DEVICEPARITYERROR. Verbose error description: Can't set parity on the device. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_DEVICEREADERROR Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_DEVICEREADERROR. Verbose error description: Error during reading from the device. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_DEVICEWRITEERROR Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_DEVICEWRITEERROR. Verbose error description: Error writing to the device. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_DISABLED Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_DISABLED. Verbose error description: Desired functionality has been disabled on compile time. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_EMPTY Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_EMPTY. Verbose error description: Empty entry. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_EMPTYSMSC Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_EMPTYSMSC. Verbose error description: No SMSC number given. Provide it manually or use the one configured in phone. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_FILEALREADYEXIST Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_FILEALREADYEXIST. Verbose error description: File with specified name already exists. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_FILENOTEXIST Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_FILENOTEXIST. Verbose error description: File with specified name doesn't exist. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_FILENOTSUPPORTED Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_FILENOTSUPPORTED. Verbose error description: File format not supported by Gammu. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_FOLDERNOTEMPTY Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_FOLDERNOTEMPTY. Verbose error description: Folder must be empty. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_FOLDERPART Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_FOLDERPART. Verbose error description: Only part of folder has been listed. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_FRAMENOTREQUESTED Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_FRAMENOTREQUESTED. Verbose error description: Frame not requested right now. See for information how to report it. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_FULL Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_FULL. Verbose error description: Memory full. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_GETTING_SMSC Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_GETTING_SMSC. Verbose error description: Failed to get SMSC number from phone. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_GNAPPLETWRONG Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_GNAPPLETWRONG. Verbose error description: Wrong GNAPPLET version in phone. Use version from currently used Gammu. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_INSIDEPHONEMENU Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_INSIDEPHONEMENU. Verbose error description: You're inside phone menu (maybe editing?). Leave it and try again. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_INSTALL_NOT_FOUND Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_INSTALL_NOT_FOUND. Verbose error description: Installation data not found, please consult debug log and/or documentation for more details. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_INVALIDDATA Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_INVALIDDATA. Verbose error description: Invalid data given to phone. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_INVALIDDATETIME Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_INVALIDDATETIME. Verbose error description: Invalid date or time specified. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_INVALIDLOCATION Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_INVALIDLOCATION. Verbose error description: Invalid location. Maybe too high? .. exception:: gammu.ERR_MEMORY Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_MEMORY. Verbose error description: Phone memory error, maybe it is read only. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_MOREMEMORY Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_MOREMEMORY. Verbose error description: More memory required... .. exception:: gammu.ERR_NEEDANOTHERANSWER Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_NEEDANOTHERANSWER. Verbose error description: Phone module need to send another answer frame. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_NETWORK_ERROR Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_NETWORK_ERROR. Verbose error description: Network error. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_NONE Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_NONE. Verbose error description: No error. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_NONE_SECTION Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_NONE_SECTION. Verbose error description: No such section exists. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_NOSERVICE Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_NOSERVICE. Verbose error description: Service configuration is missing. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_NOSIM Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_NOSIM. Verbose error description: Can not access SIM card. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_NOTCONNECTED Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_NOTCONNECTED. Verbose error description: Phone is not connected. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_NOTIMPLEMENTED Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_NOTIMPLEMENTED. Verbose error description: Functionality not implemented. You are welcome to help authors with it. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_NOTRUNNING Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_NOTRUNNING. Verbose error description: Service is not running. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_NOTSUPPORTED Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_NOTSUPPORTED. Verbose error description: Function not supported by phone. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_OTHERCONNECTIONREQUIRED Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_OTHERCONNECTIONREQUIRED. Verbose error description: Current connection type doesn't support called function. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_PERMISSION Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_PERMISSION. Verbose error description: Operation not allowed by phone. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_PHONEOFF Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_PHONEOFF. Verbose error description: Phone is disabled and connected to charger. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_PHONE_INTERNAL Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_PHONE_INTERNAL. Verbose error description: Internal phone error. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_READ_ONLY Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_READ_ONLY. Verbose error description: Entry is read only. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_SECURITYERROR Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_SECURITYERROR. Verbose error description: Security error. Maybe no PIN? .. exception:: gammu.ERR_SHOULDBEFILE Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_SHOULDBEFILE. Verbose error description: You have to give file name and not folder name. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_SHOULDBEFOLDER Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_SHOULDBEFOLDER. Verbose error description: You have to give folder name and not file name. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_SOURCENOTAVAILABLE Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_SOURCENOTAVAILABLE. Verbose error description: Some functions not available for your system (disabled in config or not implemented). .. exception:: gammu.ERR_SPECIFYCHANNEL Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_SPECIFYCHANNEL. Verbose error description: Bluetooth configuration requires channel option. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_TIMEOUT Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_TIMEOUT. Verbose error description: No response in specified timeout. Probably phone not connected. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_UNCONFIGURED Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_UNCONFIGURED. Verbose error description: Gammu is not configured. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_UNKNOWN Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_UNKNOWN. Verbose error description: Unknown error. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_UNKNOWNCONNECTIONTYPESTRING Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_UNKNOWNCONNECTIONTYPESTRING. Verbose error description: Unknown connection type string. Check config file. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_UNKNOWNFRAME Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_UNKNOWNFRAME. Verbose error description: Unknown frame. See for information how to report it. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_UNKNOWNMODELSTRING Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_UNKNOWNMODELSTRING. Verbose error description: Unknown model type string. Check config file. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_UNKNOWNRESPONSE. Verbose error description: Unknown response from phone. See for information how to report it. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_USING_DEFAULTS Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_USING_DEFAULTS. Verbose error description: Using default values. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_WORKINPROGRESS Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_WORKINPROGRESS. Verbose error description: Function is currently being implemented. If you want to help, please contact authors. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_WRITING_FILE Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_WRITING_FILE. Verbose error description: Error writing file to disk. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_WRONGCRC Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_WRONGCRC. Verbose error description: CRC error. .. exception:: gammu.ERR_WRONGFOLDER Exception corresponding to gammu error ERR_WRONGFOLDER. Verbose error description: Wrong folder used.